Saturday, June 27, 2009

We Think In Idiom, We Hear in Code

If I watch the sun creep
over an enemy's cropped head,
the inglorious glow
of the thing will never light
him afire as I so deeply wish.

I observe that same light
cresting over the humidity
of my love. All its energy--
bombardier rays breaching
through her and the rest
of the crowd at the same
live moment that sound
becomes melody.

I trace the notes upon
their skins but can never
read the secret messages,
each as untranslatable
to foreign minds
as the next.

Monday, June 22, 2009

on the shuttle
from terminal d
to b, temporarily
delayed with happy
civilians waiting
to whisk themselves
away to summers
in the northeast,
picnics in Millennium
Park, a face
of the 82nd airborne
stands close by.

We keep our
grips on the balancing
posts, but his hand
holds so much more

Monday, June 8, 2009

I want to be with you
in all that chaos.
Where newborns sound
the dreadful cry of each
new day and relatives
who actually relate
can appreciate our
musical taste and
the way my yearning
stare complements
your enduring smile.

I would prove myself
to you again, this time
with a calculating
sense of what's deserved.
They would see it too,
in the way we laid
and danced from
each of your memories
in that far-off land
tengo que practicar.

la fantasia

mira la sal,
como forma galaxia
en tu barriga.
asi empieza la fantasia.

somos el espiritu
infinito de esos
cuerpos celestes
con sus pecadores

microscopicos. es
tiempo ya para el
juicio final. la decision
es inundacion

por limon que
cae por cielo,
desde la mano
que trae mundo nuevo.

mira la luna,
que dice ya no quiero
ver los dos demas-
iado separados.

el toma medidas
aliado con nuestra
estrella al lado
de su cabeza

para ubicarnos,
y seguir el cuento
de hadas nuestro,
gusto a fresa.